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What is VirTo?

“VirTo” is a VR platform that allows exhibition guides to do their job online. Don't think of the platform as just a virtual exhibition platform. Its main purpose is to enable the exhibition guide to do things in the virtual environment using the tools in the application, and do things that they cannot even do in real life. Stay tuned for new occupational groups in the later stages of the project! 

How did the project start?

The exit phase of the project came out of the examination of the increasing online working systems in the world today. While some occupational groups could work online, some occupational groups unfortunately had the opportunity to work only in

the physical world.

Occupational groups that could not work online at the beginning of the project were examined and a single occupational group was examined in terms of the development and testing of the project. At the end of these stages, it is aimed that the museum and the exhibition are carried out jointly with the employees, so that they can both work and tour in the digital environment. 

What is the purpose of the project?

The aim of the project is to provide both museum experience and working experience in virtual environment by passing various user tests.Thus, we enable them to continue their profession digitally.

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